.. index:: single: version; screen version Getting the screen version ========================== A screen version is maintained in INScore. It's a integer value, incremented at each score update. Request ################## **With http server** A http GET request with path ``version`` is used to get the version. The message-body should by empty : | *serverUrl*/``version`` **With websocket server** A JSON object with two keys : * ``id`` : an arbitrary identifier for the request * ``method`` : the method (version) to identify the type of the request Example:: var versionJsonObject = { id : "4894", method : "version"}; exampleSocket.send(JSON.stringify(versionJsonObject)); Response ####################### **With http server** A JSON object with a field ``version``. | Example : ``{version : 1542}`` **With websocket server** A JSON object with a field id for the request identifier, the response status and a field ``version``. | Example : ``{id : "4894", status : "OK", version : 1542}``